So I'm about to post a post that is rather "Controversial" so to speak. Now those of you who have followed me for ev er, know I from time to time, like to take a break from the "FLUFF" on the blog sphere and talk about some other world news or topics that aren't so sunshine and rainbows...
I actually posted a quick question about this on FB, and a few responded but mainly because Child abuse and discipline are such "touchy" subjects most are afraid to voice their opinion on it.
On Thursday night, Mister Wonderful and I were watching The O'Reilly Factor

and the topic suddenly came on about this mother who recently got indicted for the way she disciplined her son. How you ask? She was convicted for CHILD ABUSE for using Tabasco sauce on his tongue when he was "bad" and forcing him to take freezing cold showers when he was bad too. JAIL PEOPLE. She went to jail for it. Not because she beat him, not because she starved him. For her method of discipline!!!! I think she went to jail just mainly for the fact that her method of discipline was VIDEO taped and shared. I think if she was just generally speaking to a neighbor or a teacher or a doctor, I do believe in fact that they would never think of her as abusing her son, no?
I know ppl that have put hot sauce in their kids finger nails to keep them from biting them or sucking a thumb! They aren't in jail!
Even the awesome actress from Facts of Life
Lisa Whelchel
who played Blair
Wrote a book and has defended the method of hot sauce as a form of discipline on her own children. She's not in jail!
Let me be real clear in stating I DO think Hot Sauce and Cold showers are EXTREME methods of discipline. The part that people are forgetting about this poor mom, that she ADOPTED this particular boy from Russia, and he already had extreme behavior problems. Please keep that in mind!!! She was reaching out to the Dr. Phil Show for HELP. I mean isn't that what he's there for? Then in turn, Viewers who are so quick to point the finger, CALLED her local police department trying to get her arrested! Not the easiest task when her HUSBAND is a Patrol Officer!
The problem I have is the who argument that you are suppose to teach your children to "Respect" you not to "Fear" you.
I was spanked as a "small" child. I never received a spanking past the age of 8. I was never struck, slapped or belted. Spanking never occurred in public, and I fully stand by that spanking is okay to a certain point. TO EACH THEIR OWN. I never felt differently or held resentment towards my parents for spanking me. Not even today as an adult.
My parents COMPLETELY stuck to their guns when it came to enforcing the punishment.
Case in point...
I was 17 once. Long ago, anyway, I was late one night for curfew after I had already been out late the night before with my then HS boyfriend. I was told if I was late again, that I would be in "trouble". So I rolled in 15 after, and my punishment? My parents took away the phone in my room.
When did I get it back?
N E V E R .
I FULLY BELIEVE IF YOU TAKE SOMETHING AWAY AS PUNISHMENT STICK WITH IT. DONT GIVE IT BACK AFTER A FEW DAY (now don't go as extreme as a year, but you get what I am saying) I'm saying it now, the second my teenage kid (if I someday have one) crosses the line its no CELL PHONE for like 3 months. And believe me I won't cave, and judging how I learned the hard way from my parents taking things from me, the future teen of mine is going to not make the same mistake again!
That's how punishment rolled in my house. My folks meant business. And you know what? It taught me a lot about RESPECT and their rules. It meant don't cross them, because oh yes, they did follow up with consequences!
I never feared my father growing up in the sense that he would ever "hit" or strike me. I feared my enforced consequence that I would receive if I broke the rules. Is this the same as what was described as fearing your parent rather than respecting???
I respected my father then, and I respect him now. I think he did it right when it came to rules.
So I ask you, is tabasco any different than SOAP in the mouth? And lets be real here, all of us have had parents or grand parents that had this as a punishment. Did they go to jail for it? NO. Is Tabasco sauce any different than soap? In my book, no. I think Tabasco is actually better than soap. Tabasco is edible!!! Soap isn't meant to be swallowed!
I had a few ppl write their thoughts on my FB wall.
What do YOU think?
Reminder to commenters:
These thoughts and views are mine and mine only.
Do not attack me because you disagree. Do not attack others that also leave comments. But do be honest with how you feel! :)