26 April 2011

Tail Wagging Tues Vol 5


I so would of done an Easter theme, but there were no sweets in our household to take pictures of Aspen with! No Bunny ears, nada!

So upon a few suggestions last week given, today's theme post is on your pet's bed! And or, unusual or usual in Aspen's case, of where they sleep!

Aspen's usual place to sleep, during the day is perched right on top of our couch. Why she likes it, I'd have to guess it's because she is up so high. I think she likes to compensate for being so small! :)

She also sleeps in her pink dog bed, which is on the floor next to the couch too.

This is an older photo of when she first got the bed. I used to put this bed up on MY bed at night for her to sleep in next to me by my head. But there wouldn't be room for Mister Wonderful then and we can't have that! :)

She also sleeps in her crate at night when Mommy (me) and Daddy (mister wonderful) and I retire for the night.

As you can see it's pointless for me to lay her blankets in all nice, she just fluffs them up the way she wants them LOL

If you read our whole allergy expensive vet visits a few months back, then you know why we have to crate her!

Okay friends! Your turn! Link up! Tell/Share where you pet likes to sleep or sleep on/under etc etc :)

Link Up for Tail Wagging Tuesday HERE! 

1. 867-53oh9.blogspot.com/2011/04/batman-sundays-e...  17. melissaannebradley.blogspot.com/2011/04/tail-wa...  33. faithhopelove-cassandra.blogspot.com/2011/04/ta...  
2. kimberly-kimberlyskorner.blogspot.com/b/post-pr...  18. heartonhomestead.blogspot.com/2011/04/tail-wagg...  34. frogginainteasy.blogspot.com/  
3. elizabethanddavid.blogspot.com  19. adamsjosephmelissa922.blogspot.com/  35. nestfuloflove.blogspot.com/2011/04/tail-wagging...  
4. ashleyisawife.blogspot.com/2011/04/roll-over.html  20. adamsjosephmelissa922.blogspot.com/2011/04/tail...  36. ourtryonlife.blogspot.com/2011/04/tail-wagging-...  
5. oolalalauren.blogspot.com/2011/04/declared-link...  21. www.theogdenblog.com/2011/04/tail-wagging-tuesd...  37. kateasoflate.blogspot.com  
6. jamiffer.blogspot.com/2011/04/tail-wagging-tues...  22. alisonandjustin.blogspot.com/2011/04/tail-waggi...  38. realhousewifeofbelmont.blogspot.com/2011/04/tai...  
7. carolineandfredsmithwick.blogspot.com/2011/04/t...  23. hope-squared.blogspot.com/2011/04/tail-wagging-...  39. thefabulous757.blogspot.com  
8. starspinkworld.blogspot.com/2011/04/tail-waggin...  24. asweetflower.blogspot.com/2011/04/tail-wagging-...  40. savs365blog.blogspot.com/2011/04/tail-wagging-t...  
9. www.lovenotesinabox.blogspot.com  25. marcoandgabriella.blogspot.com  41. themartinsmemoirs.blogspot.com/2011/04/tail-wag...  
10. Www.thislilheartofmine.blogspot.com  26. cigarheiress.blogspot.com/2011/04/tail-wagging-...  42. mrosev14.blogspot.com/2011/04/tail-wagging-tues...  
11. lifeasiknowit2009.blogspot.com/2011/04/tail-wag...  27. needmyownshow.blogspot.com  43. myfabulouspursuitofhappiness.blogspot.com/2011/...  
12. akappleaday.blogspot.com/2011/04/tail-wagging-t...  28. missblondiexoxo.blogspot.com/2011/04/tons-o-stu...  44. pizziadventures.blogspot.com  
13. theyoungandmarried.blogspot.com/2011/04/tail-wa...  29. atapartment14.blogspot.com/  45. fredsgettingmarried.blogspot.com/2011/04/tail-w...  
14. www.poodleism.com/2011/04/tail-wagging-tuesday....  30. justagirl-carrie1.blogspot.com/  46. fair-maiden-across-the-pond.blogspot.com/  
15. aserendipitouslife.blogspot.com  31. thebeautifullovelylife.blogspot.com/2011/04/tai...  47. curlsandlaughter.blogspot.com/2011/04/tail-wagg...  
16. nothingisbetterleftunsaid.blogspot.com/2011/04/...  32. www.blogger.com/publish-confirmation.g?blogID=6...  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

PS Yes, I know there are two link up codes on here...I couldn't figure out what mistake I made that is making you guys enter in your URLS instead of just seeing everyones blog name...And I am late to work trying to fix this so I am leaving both up pick one and enter it! hahah



  1. aw so cute! im not even sure if i have any photos of our dogs in their bed :D

  2. she is SO cute! I love the pink bed!

  3. Rocky does the same thing..he loves to sit on the top of the couches or on the arms! and he always fluffs his blankets in a little circle even after I fluff them lol

  4. I love Aspen's bed! I need one like that for Dooney, but way bigger! I tried linking up twice, but I'm not sure if it worked, since the thing says "no entries yet". Have a wonderful day!

  5. I love her little bed! I wish Peyton would sleep in one, but he refuses!

  6. She is adorable!!! My 2 mini dachshunds share a big crate and end up burrowing under their blankets!

  7. How cute! This is my first time to participate!

  8. Aspen is so cute, I totally have a soft spot for poms!!


  9. Aww! I love Aspen's bed! I wish Bodie would use one. Lol

  10. You have no idea how much I love these posts! I love seeing everyone's cute dogs and getting to celebrate them!

  11. Love her pink bed!! I wish mine were small enough sometimes for cute little beds like that!!

  12. SO jealous that you have a Pomeranian! I've wanted one for SO long! Yours is adorable!

  13. I love that second picture...she's such a cutie!

  14. Aspen is just adorable and so is her pink bed--I love it!

  15. unfortunately I'm like a day behind schedule and I missed the link but I'm putting up some sleeping baby pics anyways :) Aspen is the cutest and I love these pictures! Thank-you for hosting even though I missed it this week!

  16. http://marialivinglife.blogspot.com/2011/04/being-half-person-your-dog-thinks-you.html


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