25 January 2014

Weekend Fun

Anyone ever have a girls night at a Brush Bar? It was my first time painting for my self in YEARS! I haven't painted anything for me since 2005. I still have the painting in my classroom that sits unfinished. So many people ask, why don't you make art for you? To put it simply, teaching wipes me out. Any creative juices left at the end of the day usually aren't enough for me to do anything artsy for myself. 

This was my casual friday getup. My hair was pretty dirty. I didn't get the chance wash it Friday morning and I walked out the door with no make up on either. Gross! LOL 

So here's the brush bar in Scottsdale, AZ. I had a good time! 


My clean slate.


My second time wearing a painted apron for the day. Mine is much cuter in my classroom--has cupcakes on it! :) 



Painting for me was was not as easy as one would think! When it comes to my art for ME, I am very Type A (to an extent)


It was later revealed to the class since so many asked about my painting that I am an art teacher full time. People commented "yours look so much like the real starry night!" Well uh if I had a dollar how much I had to stare at that painting each year I'd be rich! LOL 


  1. That looks like a fun girls night! And I would never have known your hair was "dirty" if you hadn't said it - looks pretty good to me! I love that yellow sweater you're wearing too.

  2. that sounds fun.
    andddd your hair does not look dirty, and you look pretty lady

  3. Looks like a fun time with friends!

  4. I love it! I think it turned out great!


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