01 November 2014

First IUI

I had my first IUI 2 weeks ago. Today the nurse called after yesterday's blood test and said that I wasn't pregnant. :( 

Heartbroken, frustrated, defeated are all pretty much words that describe how I feel. This has been going on for TWO YEARS. 

How many IUIs am I suppose to go through? How many more failures? What's wrong with me? Because according to the doctor, both my hubby and I are fine, normal, healthy. 

It's hard not to want to throw in the towel on all of this. It's hard to be on social media when everyone is showing off their bumps and babies their pride and joys. 

Back to the drawing board. Maybe it wasn't meant in God's plan for me to be a parent. Maybe I'm to selfish or to self absorbed to be a parent. Maybe being a teacher to other's children is all I am cut out for. Maybe fur babies are all I can handle.  For those of you saying or wondering if IVF is next for us, it isn't. We just don't have that kind of money saved. 

That's it for now. 

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