30 March 2012

art room happenings

 The kiln is going to be running again all next week! My 5th graders just finished their coil pots. Teaching clay is hard in AZ, literally have to get them to finish in ONE class period because the clay dries so incredibly fast! 

 My after school 4th 5th and 6th grades did another variation of Notan Designs. Love this new lesson! 

 4th is currently underway with their second part of their Van Gogh study (the first was their ceramic bowls) Now they are drawing and painting a still life of the flowers! 

3rd graders just finished their Pirate Portraits (not necessarily of themselves) 
They LOVED writing Pirate "talk" words around their frames..
Ahoy Matey! Where's me treasure you scurvy scoundrel!? 

2nd graders just finished their Van Gogh sunflowers too! I try to have every lesson do SOME sort of interaction with Sunflowers and Van Gogh


29 March 2012

bigger is better!

I shared this on FB a few days ago, and I can't help but smile so big every time I watch it. 

I promise you, if you are having a rotten day, this will make you SMILE! 


28 March 2012

GCB The Novel

Spring Break gave me the chance to read "GCB" (Good Christian Bitches) by Kim Gatlin 

I really really liked the book a lot! :) 
I was going into it thinking it wouldn't be that good of a novel but everything that was stated in the book was so dead on! The catty behavior/gossip that even adult women still get wrapped up in. Oy. Boggled my mind! 

The book and show are simliar, but many things make them different. For one thing, the ages of the children in the book are much younger than on the show. In the book Amanda and her mother rekindle their relationship which I really liked too.

Reviews have been all over the place for this book, mainly the negative ones are of course from the people that have taken "offense" to this author and the things she wrote. 

I'd say pick yourself up a copy up of the book if you can find it on the shelves! 


27 March 2012

Tail Wagging Tuesday: Instagram edition!

Here are some of Aspen's Instagram mugshots :) 
Now show me your fur babies finest photo op moments! :) 

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


26 March 2012

the time i blogged about my love for a shaving razor

Okay so a while back the lovely Erin over at Living in Yellow blogged how Schick contacted her about their new razor that was going to make a debut in a few months, and the first few ppl to ask for a new razor would get one in the mail.  You can read about  it here in Erin's page.

I got one in the mail and OH EM GEE girls I'm in LOVE. I've been using it since I got it..which for razor life has been over a good month. 

I officially went to Target today and bought my first refill razor heads. GOOD BYE GILETTE Venus whatever the heck I was using. 

The razors don't even compare. AT ALL. The Schick razor lasts ridiculously long, The “head” of the razor dispenses it’s own moisturizing serum that hydrates as you shave.That has to be my favorite part of the razor. Not to mention more blades than the Gilette one and a better shape of a head which makes the hard to shave areas way easier. 

I kid you not, RUN don't walk and get this razor. You can thank me later when you get it and use it!!! Take it from the girl that shaves EVERYDAY that this razor is worth every penny! And razors are ridiculously expensive I know! 

I have 4 Venus Embrace Cartridges brand new if anyone wants to buy them off of me! 

On a side note...

I know girls rave about "hot tools" curling iron, but I have to rave I really like Con Air curling irons. My remington iron was on the fritz and I didn't hesitate to replace it with the iron I use pretty much every time I curl my hair! 

These are only a few of the irons I use. I have just about every iron there is when it comes to curling and crimping my hair. I still have my crimper from MIDDLE SCHOOL! It's by Vidal Sasson! 
Remington irons in my opinion, don't grasp or hold the hair well at least for my hair type. It would slide right through and I wasn't digging that. 

Schick did not contact me to talk about this razor. I took it upon my self to let you all know of this fabulous razor! :) 


25 March 2012

Tail Wagging Tuesday linkup reminder!!!!!

All you weekend bloggers who get their weekly posts ready---remember that this Tuesday is Tail Wagging Tuesday INSTAGRAM edition!!

Be sure to link up and show of all your beautiful photo snap shots of your fur babies!!! 


23 March 2012

The Descendants

Oh boy. I have so much to say about this movie.

I will be honest and say, I usually do NOT pick movies that deal with cancer/hospitals/dying as something I "want" to watch in a movie.

George Clooney stars as Matt King, an attorney from Hawaii who, despite the appearance of a man who seemingly lives carefree in paradise, isn’t immune to the messiness of life. He is in the process of selling 26,000 acres of pristine, untouched Hawaiian land which the family has owned for over a hundred years. All of Matt’s cousins are involved in negotiations with various buyers but Matt is the official trustee. Only his signature has the power to solidify any deal.
However, just before a deal is finalized, Matt’s wife, Elizabeth, suffers a traumatic brain injury in a boating accident and she becomes comatose. For the first time, Matt is forced to become the primary parental figure for his children, something he is certainly not used to or prepared for. Matt shares with his oldest daughter Alex that the doctors have told him Elizabeth is not going to wake up and that her death is very near. Upon hearing the news, Alex is devastated and confides to Matt that Elizabeth was cheating on him. Matt suddenly understands Alex and Elizabeth’s troubled relationship.

I bawled my eyes out towards the end. There was a scene where the Mother Elizabeth(the wife/mother in the coma) is just lying there,  in the hospital, and her father (the mean hard ass grandfather) comes in to say "good bye" and is stroking her hair and kisses her head and I seriously buried my face into Mister Wonderful and let him have it with my tears.

 It was all to real. Everything that scene depicted was so raw and real with emotion. It was like a scene from my own life in 1995 when my brother and I had to say good bye to my mother who died in our home, from slipping into a coma from the aggressiveness of the cancer that had overtaken her body. 
Goodbye, my love, my friend, my pain, my joy. Goodbye.

-Matt King (George Clooney), The Descendants 

And watching George Clooney cry during the whole scene where he finally says good bye to his wife was like a punch in the stomach. 

This movie deserved every win it got at the Academy Awards. It’s the perfect story of how humans behave and how we’re so confusing but make so much sense at the same time.

They NEED to make more movies like this--movies that make the audiences FEEL real emotion!!

Mister Wonderful and I were both just kinda dumbfounded at how selfish people are/can be when it comes to "cheating" and destroying a family. It happens every day. Every freaking day people cheat in marriages. Lord knows I see it in my students. Hear their stories see their tears, their questions Why me, why did my mommy and daddy fall apart? It's awful. Not the fun part of being a teacher I signed up for. No sir-ri bob! 

Anyone else see this movie?


22 March 2012

Tail Wagging Tues Link up for THIS TUES! Get ready!

Just wanted to give everyone a head start and let cha all know that Tail Wagging Tuesday will be up and running this Tuesday

Instagram edition!

This means Share ALL those pet pictures you have snapped using instagram!

Here's an example: 

Okay now everybody go get their Tuesday Post ready!!! 


Movie Reviews

I saw 21 Jumpstreet during the week since I've been on Spring Break. I was a brave soul and went alone since Mister Wonderful had to work obviously, and other teacher friends who don't work for the same school district as I, were in fact off last week for SB not this week.

It was funny, although the foul language was at an all time high, and there were a lot of crude humor I heard a few gasps from some of the older folk in the theater LOL 

I will admit I just have a hard time "liking" comedies anymore. They aren't really all that "funny" at least in my opinion! The last good movie I saw was Safe House, and before that I can't even recall any! 

I think I am one tough critic! I didn't find Bridesmaids funny, I never thought Anchorman was funny back in the day or old school. I guess I never really got into the stupid funny movie. Cept for American Pie genre but that could of been my age and that time period of my life? 

Who knows. I didn't even see any good previews for any upcoming potential movies I would want to see either, which kinda was a let down! 

I'm not even sure I;; see The new Nicholas Sparks movie, since I really hated the one he casted Miley Cirus in!


21 March 2012

J Simpson Love/Sweet Home Alabama the final 2 guys!

Jessica Simpson has taken a lot of heat recently for gaining so much weight, and then of course her being pregnant and gaining more, has only added more fuel to the fire. 

I really don't care what people say, she's GORGEOUS!!!! 

I mean really!?!? Look at her all glowing on the cover of Elle!

I read in the magazine that she is NOT naming her daughter a crazy name. She said people will be surprised that it's such a normal name, yet when they hear it, "they'll know why" she named her daughter what she did.


Wonder what this "normal" name will be~?!

I have to admit 2 things will freak me out about pregnancy should that day ever come.

1. Weight gain I can't control so to speak. 

2. All the throwing up. I Hate getting sick. More than anything. Throwing up seriously freaks me out. 
The pain, the smell, the taste. I'd rather have diarrhea for days then throw up.

Hey at least we know I could never be bulimic right!? haha

Okay moving on, I haven't updated y'all on Sweet Home Alabama

We are down to the final 2 guys y'all!!

and Hubba Hubba Bubba my favorite is one of the last 2 standing!!

But in true TV fashion, I think it's safe to say they NEVER pick the one all the viewers silently cheer for, so she'll probably end up with Jeremiah


A few hints as to why I think she'll pick him...

He's the ONLY guy thus far she has said she "thinks" is falling in love with

He didn't say anything when she told him that. Nice response right? 

The only good news is that Paige has tweeted and said to the public that the person she "chose" in the end they are STILL TOGETHER and recently celebrated their 3 month anniversary since the show rapped. 


At least we are 1 for 3 out of the show's couples thus far!

And did I mention how EXCITED I am that this will air soon!!!?

I love Devin Grissom and Cassie and Courtney from Sweet Home Alabama!


20 March 2012

The Side of Pinterest I DISLIKE

Have any of you ever checked out on Pinterest to see how many things have been pinned from your own blog? 

For me, the most pinned post was all about the Glitter keys DIY.

Second place has been all art projects which I think is great--up until I saw this:

Are these moms completely out of touch? This poster was made to show students HOW TO STAY IN THE LINES. How in the frick does this HINDER their creativity?!?!? 

Anyone that teaches Kinders will tell you they have the attention span of a nat. They will and do, hurry through everything. The words "I'm Done" fly out of their mouths quicker than you would believe because they already want to do the next thing.Teaching them "No White spaces" teaches them to color SLOWLY and stay in the lines! That's a bad thing? I think not! 

Most schools operated on "colors" often "flip your card" behavior charts for the younger grades. Smiley faces is the most easiest way for them to identify where their stand with their behavior, so why is coloring any different?

There are numerous art blogs I follow that have entire NO NO bulletin boards dedicated to things they don't want children to draw etc etc I am NOT a teacher that does that. What's a no no? Well in some art teachers eyes, this means No "Broccoli" trees, no stick people, no putting the sun in the corner of your paper, no drawing birds as the letter "M". Get my drift? I would NEVER do that to my students. I can vouch that many teachers esp on the blog world DO do this. To me, now that is HINDERING a child's creativity!  

Can't win. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Pretty sure I went to college, I got the art education degree, therefore I know what is and isn't hindering to a child's way of learning to color properly!


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