22 September 2010

Life As We Know It Today++

Can you picture your life before all of these??

I ask because it's getting harder to imagine what in the world I'd spend all my free time on if we didn't have the "internet" as an escape from reality.

Maybe I'd read more. It's hard to say. Maybe I'd watch more T.V. Maybe I'd  get to sleep earlier.

I guess what I fear is how much people's lives revolve around these things listed above. Oh yes and I do mean revolve. I am just as guilty of being one of those who has to log onto FB to update my status and what not. Part of me has gotten better about it, because really it's tiresome to read silly updates like "at the store" getting my hair done" might as well update the world when you are taking a crap. A stalkers dream to know all the who's what's where's when's and why's.

So please fellow bloggers. FEEL FREE to take breaks from the Net every now and again! I won't be mad/sad I promise! :)

Keeping up with today's technology can be exhausting!



  1. This is OH SO true! Thank you for sharing :)

  2. I wouldnt know what to do!!! That first little picture/quote thing was hilarious!!!

  3. So true lady! I don't know what I would do without internet access. What did we do before we had all this stuff? I can't imagine my life without it!

  4. It's so true! I had to restrain myself from updating my twitter last night...and then failed. :(

    We can live without our computer and blackberry. I don't like to think so, but we can! I CAN! Hahaha

  5. So true! I was just thinking the other day about what I did before blogging, Facebook, and Googling things!

  6. it is so true. we've become so addicted to the internet and technology. and now even smart phones. if i want to know something, i just google it on my phone. i'm scared to think what would happen if the internet and computers went out. our world would be complete chaos. hehe


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