07 November 2012

United we Stand?

I am a Republican. I don't hide my political affiliation, and am not afraid to say that I am scared and worried for the future of America now that Obama has been re elected. I hate that we are a world full of Godless souls. People don't have faith they don't believe, and that frightens me tremendously. 

The quote above I posted on FB last night got tons of comments and likes. I feel like it just really sums up how I feel about the next four years...

Things have GOT to get better. Not worse. 



  1. I'm a democrat and I voted for Obama. I am not a godless soul. I have love for all my fellow human beings whether democrat or republican. I vote for Obama not because I want things for free or don't pay taxes like many people accused me of last night. I voted b/c I work with children living with disabilities whose families live with government supported services like the one I run. I think if we were all able to see the good and bad in each party, love one another and diminish party lines the country would be a much better place.

    1. Not sure where you read in the post me calling all democrats Godless?? I was talking about the general movement of people in our country today that don't believe in much of anything Republican Democrat Libertarian or NO affiliation or not!

  2. It starts with you. Being an undivided nation doesn't necessarily mean that everyone sees the Christian light ... both the GOP and the Dems need to make some concessions to start moving forward. It'll be interesting to see if they will.

  3. I just posted about this as well! Love your blog, just started reading "Gone Girl," hope it's good! Have a wonderful day.

  4. I agree. It is so scary. The hubby and I are talking about postponing kids until we see what is going to happen. All we can do is pray. I am thankful that through blogging I have met people like you that are willing to pray with me.

  5. Agree agree agree! It's awful. I don't understand why he was re-elected and yes, things have GOT to get better!

  6. i am scared to death as well! i just can't believe people would re-elect him. not sure what good he's done over the last 4 years to make him worthwhile again.

  7. love the quote. and i agree, i am slightly scared to see what will happen now that obama gets four more years.

  8. It's so disheartening....I am so upset about the outcome of the election and the FUTURE of our country. It seems like so many are focused on the wrong things. WE ARE SO DIVIDED it's sickening. Nothing has been accomplished in the last 4 years, NOTHING. Yes I realize it may take someone longer than 4 years to fix the economy but absolutely no progress was made. Now I get to see my pay check go down because more taxes are going to be taken out to help those people who are too lazy to better themselves and are OK with living off the goveernment. I realize some people cannot help it but everyone says "you need to do your part". WE ARE DOING ARE PART I do work full time, I do pay my taxes, I do everything right and what's going to hurt us more is the lazy asses who aren't willing to do their part bc they are already getting assistance from the governemnt and now, thanks to Obama, they get more so why would they want to better them selves and find a job? Not to mention the awesome health care that my family and I have will be gone AND we have a baby on the way.

    Good lord we need a miracle.

  9. I too am a Republican, and I share your sentiments. Thank you for sharing your honest opinions. I think too often Republicans fail to stand up and say "I am a proud Republican, and here are my beliefs" because we are trying to be polite and not cause trouble. Thank you for taking a stand. You are not alone. We will pray for country.

  10. Thankfully WE serve a God who is bigger than this. It's time for Christians to stop sitting inside the church walls and start getting out, spreading love and truth. Paul's letters started Christian movements that took back cities after Jesus died and rose again, and I know it can happen again if we all do something. We cannot live in fear, but we can stand up and teach what we know to be true. And yes, prayer is definitely in order for a deeply divided nation!

  11. They have to get better...... right? I am so concerned about our economy and the morals of our country ~ where we are headed is a scary path. Anyway, I applaud you C Mae for going against the grain ~ you are a young, white, woman, with two jobs (a teacher too!). Not your "typical" picture of a republican. Way to stand up and speak what you believe!

  12. I'm not sure why it is that you feel Democrats who voted for Obama are godless souls? I am a proud Obama supporter and very much believe in God!

    1. I'm not sure where you read in the post that I said all democrats were God less? I was referring to the people in this world in general..Please don't misconstrue...

    2. Love this post! I completely agree!

  13. Love your quote! I feel the same way.

  14. I totally agree and love how open you are! We need to have God back in our lives!

  15. agree. agree. agree.

  16. i 100% agree, i'm a republican as well and I wish Obama wasn't re-elected, but there's nothing we can change now. All we can do is support our leader and pray to the true Leader who matters.

  17. I was saddened by your post and your replies - mostly because I expected more class from you. You asked two people who choose to read your blog to tell you where you said Democrats are godless. You're right, you carefully didn't say it, but you more than implied that the reason for the outcome was because those who did not vote for the Republican are godless, don't have faith and they don't believe. Whether it was what you meant or not, its how it came across. Yesterday, I brought my assistant in to read your post, and he (a republican who was very upset over the election results) agreed that it sounded like you were calling democrats godless. However, to each their own, right? This is your little space of the world and you have the freedom to say whatever you want. Words can be read in so many ways beyond the authors intent. I would say, Americans obviously believe and have faith in our current president and system or they wouldnt have reelected him. It seems that your comment is suggesting that Americans should NOT believe of have faith in our leader or in democracy . Just saying, semantics.

    I only have have suggestion, read Ravens blog. She has the same political views as you, but was dignified in saying regardless of the outcome, she will be supportive of America, Americans and our president. Like Mitt Romney, she only says she will pray for America. I am very proud of her for the way she handled it. Very classy and dignified. No attacking or trash talking, no poor winner/loser syndrome, no blame.

  18. of course people are going to come and victimize themselves.. so typical.

    but, i, with you, agree that this world is slowly (read: rapidly) on a downward spiral, and since obama made no improvements whatsoever, things are only going to get worse. the majority (not all) of the population that did vote for obama has to be the ones who are either ignorant or lazy.. think about it. if i was shit poor and had no job, i would vote for him, too, because then i could continue to be lazy and just reap the benefits of those who worked their asses off.

    it truly makes me sick that people disregard morals and principles and values nowadays. this country was build on all of the above.

    lord help us all!

  19. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results... I don't have anything against Democrats but we've experienced an all time drop in the economy, in unemployment and many other things. I hope things can turn around in the next 4 years.

  20. I was wondering Lauren, this disregard of morals and principles nowadays that you mentioned? I would just like to know what period in time we should return to, since you stated they are no longer in practice "nowadays"? Should we go back to the 50's when blacks could not eat in the same place you could, or had to sit in the back of the bus, or should we go back further to when women were treated like chattel and couldn't vote, or maybe even further to the morals and principles of supporting slavery. We could even go back further to when we pillaged this land from the Indians...I am just confused as to what period in time you are referring to when this country seemed to have better morals and principles then it does now? And just a sidenote-the last time I checked this country was run by the Constitution and not the Bible. If it was to be run by religion, which one do we use? I, for one am grateful that I live in a country that believes in accepting all religions, races, and even those(yes, even those) that do not believe in a religion(even though I might disagree with them), because it is their right as an American Citizen.


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