My New Toy!! Yesterday my plan on Verizon expired, so
Mister Wonderful and I went down to the Sprint store and added me to his cell plan. I got the same phone he has. He was an AVID apple I phone guy until Sprint released this phone. Now we both have it, and all I can say is
WOW! It totally kicks the I phone's butt! I was skeptical to go back to Sprint (I was on Sprint many moons ago, and had been with Verizon since 2003 so needless to say, I was nervous bout switching over.) Technology has caught up my friends! That's all I can say!
I have re downloaded all songs for my "Favorites" in my cell list, but I am stumped as to what my general ring tone should me? Any suggestions? I can't really have any rap stuff, esp since I return to teaching on Monday and don't want my students to hear that ring in my purse or something. Throw your suggestions at me! Does anyone else have this phone?
:/ those phones are all sold out here in Boston. I've had Sprint for years...can't wait to get my hands on that phone!!