22 September 2013

I got nothin'

I have to be real honest, and say that blogging has really taken a back seat. Not only for me, but many of the blogs that I followed 4 years ago don't blog at all anymore. Or they stopped cold turkey for whatever reason. Even blogs that were really hot a year or so ago, have really dwindled in comments. 

I feel like everything is all about instagram. Short & sweet & to the point. One picture, a little blurb and people that comment or like it below. Kinda defeats the purpose of blogging. Blogging has really taken on more of a diary type form which really most people don't have "Time" to read it. Or as the famous saying goes, "Ain't nobody got time for that!" 

Anyway, if you are looking for up to date happenings in my life, the best way is to find me on instagram. Search "alittlelovely" and follow along! 


  1. So true. I also feel like its tough to find a blog that is unique anymore. Everything I read Is the same on every blog, plus I feel like people just want to start a log for money. There isn't any passion anymore. Just my opinion

  2. I still love to read/follow blogs but I agree that Instagram has definitely made it easier to keep up to date on a lot of the bloggers I follow.

  3. i hear ya, however i am totally left in the dark because my windows phone doesn't have instagram yet! big bummer. hopefully my upgrade to a new phone will have it so i can get with the times.

  4. I couldn't agree more and so many bloggers just use the pictures they post on IG.

  5. I have noticed the same thing. Or the big ones are the ones that get traffic from Pinterest. One post, one picture that people then want to know about. Kinda sad because even though I would agree my time for blogging has lessened, I still love it.

    But I also love following you on IG! :-)

  6. I agree and this makes me really sad! I love blogging and miss the community feel.

  7. Totally I fully agree.. I post to remember what in the world I did that weekend...


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