27 February 2011

Day 11 Photo Challenge

Day 11 Photo Challenge...

(Yes I skipped Day 10 &  because that question was  unappealing to me!)

Day 11

Something you HATE.

Ha. This is easy. I took these pictures on Friday.

I hate these family stickers because  (A) they look tacky just like bumper stickers do. and (B) Did anyone catch the CNN special on how Predators/Child Molesters etc use these to their advantage to harming you, your kids and your animals at your house?

I know many of you saw the Oprah special where those 2 teens followed a mom and daughter home from the mall and killed them and the dad was the only one that made it alive. But anyway...

In case your common sense is malfunctioning in your brain, these are bad because you are TELLING THE WHOLE WORLD How many kids you have, what each of their names are, basically how old they are by the size of the little body on the window, and what animals you have at your house.

THESE ARE a strangers dream. Esp the kind that go to random public places Ie the MALL, parks, etc etc and WATCH YOU. If they were to break in, they know all your kids names, and can even call off your family dog from biting them because YOU TOLD THEM the damn dogs name from a stupid sticker!!! Does that sound smart? No. I've heard people say they like them for a personal touch. Then wear a charm around your neck for each kid. Don't display it on your car for random creepos to know things they shouldn't know about you! Sadly we don't live in a world with all good people, that's why we have locks on doors, that's why we tell kids don't talk to strangers. Well, don't give strangers the TOOLS TO TALK TO YOUR KIDS!!!!!

End rant.



  1. Agreed! So glad someone else shares my annoyance/concern when I see them. Why do people feel the need to do this in exchange for their families safety?!

  2. I hate those too. Put your sports team name on your car, not your family's names...

  3. I also agree! Those stickers are not keeping any family safe.

  4. Lol preach it Sista! I agree! Those stickers should be destroyed. I never really thought about stalkers, that is crazy! And so true!

  5. I am with you 100% I hate those window family thingys too. Have a great weekend!!!

  6. I agree! I can't stand it! It is a strangers' dream. Why would you plaster your childrens' names all over your vehicle for everyone and anyone to read and follow you home so they know exactly where they live?! Horrible!

  7. No lie, I saw one that had like 15 on the car. It was ridiculous. I totally agree with the rant:)

  8. STRANGER DANGER!!!!!! You also brought up a great point about the DOG. Never thought of that.

  9. I've never seen these before, but UGH! Why would anyone do this???

  10. I'm with you...not only tacky but dumb! My MIL told me the same thing about children who have their names on their backpacks. Cute, yes but not a good "stranger danger" rule.

  11. Totally agree! Those stickers are wrong for so many reasons!!

  12. Couldn't agree with you more! They especially should not have their names! So wrong! Just like names on the outside of their backpacks!

  13. I despise the ones with the kids names on it!! So dumb.

  14. I always say those stickers are asking for someone to follow you and wait til your kids are playing outside and then call their names. It is dangerous! I'm glad someone else agrees!

  15. I can't stand them either, but I just think they're tacky. I never even thought of the threat it might cause.

  16. I hate them too for the same reasons!! my mother wouldn't even put my name on anything at all bc of stranger danger let alone blasted it all over her car.

  17. i totally AGREE! One I don't care how many pets/kids you have and Two, its super unsafe!!!

    Great post.

  18. I HATE HATE HATE these things too! They annoy me like crazy, as I am sure you can tell:)


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