16 January 2011

Gym Woes

I have decided the Gym and I just weren't meant to be. No seriously. I was pretty much on the verge of tears today when Mister Wonderful decided to "help" me work out. Bad idea.

I don't think it's any secret that I have like no muscle strength. The majority of my youth was spent playing soccer. Which, for me, didn't entail lifting weights. EVER. Just run run run.

 Cardio. which is probably why I hate running as an adult. I have no experience lifting. My form is awful. I look like the biggest dork which was apparent today which MW (mister wonderful) had to correct me on every machine he had me do. From legs to arms. It was quite humiliating.

I shook so bad. I can barely lift the bare minimum of weight on certain machines because I just have no upper body strength. As for push ups (the girl kind of course) yeah I suck there to. I'd say I could do 10 and that was it.

The worst part is I think MW was really frustrated with me. He didn't know how to help me and I could barely finish 3 counts of 10 before my arms or legs would just give out. He says I already had it in my head that it was "to hard" and gave up. That may be true, but I also know that well, I'm kinda a wimp. I'm not muscular. And somehow what was suppose to be an innocent work out at the gym felt like a fight. :( I was embarrassed. His words of encouragement weren't so encouraging. I'm not sure if I was just to sensitive to the comment "There are 70 yr old women who lift more than this" or he said it without knowing that that would hurt my feelings. I dunno. He looked bored the whole time and I just felt like I was wasting his time. Perhaps the lesson learned here is never ask your BF to help you work out when his work outs are not your average lift for most. Even for a woman.

When I quit soccer in HS my JR year ( had to, my dad said I needed to focus on getting into college ex: ATC SAT prep stuff UGH) so I stopped being "fit". I guess I should thank my lucky stars that weight was never really an issue all through college. I'd say I started noticing a change when I broke up with my ex back in 07. I lost a lot of weight and then every year since then I seem to gain 2 ibs. UGH again. So last year, I thankfully had a friend that was really into hiking. Hiking was FUN for me. It's cardio but NOT RUNNING. The scenery changes. You have high spots then low. Inclines then flat. My kind of cup of tea if you will. So that's how I started keeping in shape again.  Yet somehow I have fallen off the bandwagon this year, with a few interference points (Being really sick--allergy slash asthma??? still no diagnosis yet till I go for my yearly physical in March) so yeah. I feel stuck. I have no room to work out privately in our living room bec our couch and coffee table take up all the floor and the floor is all HARD cement tile...whatever it's called. SUCKS. There goes that plan.

So all in all my feelings about myself today are I SUCK. The End.



  1. You DO NOT suck!! Do you even want to lift weights?? Because you know, you don't have to do it! Of course its good for you, but you don't have to go to the gym! If hiking is what you like, do it. However, if you DO want to lift weights, just think about how many pounds, I dont know a heavy box is or something ... If you can carry that, you can lift a 5 lb dumbbell. Maybe just start out slowly on your own. There are some great youtube videos that can help. You dont suck!! You rock because you look awesome without even working out! :)

  2. You should try a body pump class! I really don't have much upper body strength either, but I have noticed a lot of improvement in my strength since starting body pump! You could youtube "Les Mills Body Pump" to see what it entails.

    It's great because you use a bar, so it forces you to have good form. You can choose how much weight you want to use, so you could start out with very light weights on your bar and eventually work your way up.

    Don't give up though! It gets easier each time!

  3. You don't suck and I too, hate working out. So I don't. :)

  4. First of all, you DON'T suck girlfriend. Second, the gym is HARD. Those who are dedicated and go 5x a week are the rare ones, NOT the normal ones. I'm right there with you, it's NEVER been easy for me working out. No idea what I'm going to do when I need to shed this baby weight - yikes!

  5. I know exactly what you mean! I have really been trying to get back into shape but I find myself going to the gym and doing 30 mins on the elliptical then leaving because I'm embarrassed that I don't know anything about the machines or weight lifting. You are not alone!! I know a lot of the ladies at my gym feel this way. Just try to stick at it!

  6. You don't have to lift weights to be in shape. And as far as getting asthma, I am in the same boat. As I got older I developed exercise induced asthma. I never had a problem with it in California moving to Colorado and a change in climate made it come back. I have an inhaler that I use before workouts and it makes a big difference. When you talk to your doctor, they might give you one. It works pretty good.

  7. You definitely DO NOT suck! I really doubt that MW meant to hurt your feelings, but seriously, it's totally normal to start low and slow if you don't lift weights! I absolutely hate working out...so I just don't. Haha. So you are already several steps ahead of me!

  8. Thanks girls. I know I don't "have to" work out to be in shape..But some day I may have a kid or what not and I don't want the gym to feel so "hard" as it does know when the time will come when I will need to use it right? I lift weights just fine when it's free weights but the machines for upper body strength OY...I am weak weak weak! Hence the 10 pushups max!

  9. aww, you certainly do not suck! and I bet if you start really small, and get your strength back little by little, you can show up the mr.!! have you ever tried yoga or pilates? or classes at the gym? I love the mix it up and those things are really good for strength and toning!

  10. you do not suck!! bless your heart--everyone experiences gym frustrations trust me...i am an avid exerciser, and still have issues!! if you have a hard time with lifting weights, maybe try a cardio kickboxing class--that way you're getting the movements in without suffering through stupid arm and leg workouts--you can do it!!

  11. Awww :( Girl you can do it! It will just take some time... I'm sure you will be up to speed with those 70 year olds in no time ;)

  12. when you work out you just have to keep at it...once you see progress it gets easier. My tips: riding a bike over running any day. always have your ipod and have a workout mix. work out when you watch TV. go on long walks instead of running.

  13. Sorry that MW wasn't giving you the encouragement you needed. It's never easy at first. I have zero upper body strength and always feel foolish doing 5 reps and stopping.

    Do what you feel comfortable with! You look fabulous anyway. ;)

  14. Argh! Lifting weights sounds like it's what sucks...not you! I wouldn't want to do that either! Ack! :/

  15. You most certainly do not suck! I'm the same way, I have zero strength and feel so awkward at a gym. What if you tried yoga or pilots classes? Zumba is supposed to be fun too!


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