22 September 2011

Artsy Fartsy Art!

I Scream. You Scream. My Students Scream. 

3rd grade learned about Edward Munch's famous painting "The Scream." Thanks to mainstream pop art and cartoons, my students had all seen the painting via TV! 

As I mentioned before, I have been teaching After School Art, and I am SOO proud of my students and their first after school art projects!

I have a combination of 4th, 5th, and 6th graders after school. They got to experience metal tooling for the first time. And no, that's not aluminum foil, it's real heavy metal that they used a wooden stylus stick to carve into the metal, followed by silver sharpie.  



  1. Your kids always have the greatest projects!

  2. Your kids always have the greatest projects!

  3. Those pictures are too cute! some of them are really good!! Being an art teacher would be so fun :) give you credit for that!

  4. Those art projects are awesome! Hats off to you for teaching kids art! :)


  5. you are such an amazing teacher! those drawings are so special, i love them!

  6. Okay, seriously, I wish you lived by me. Our art teacher sucks! I mean really, I can do better art projects with my kids and I have ZERO artistic ability:(

    It just makes me sad because so many of my kids are creative and I feel like their imaginations are being put to good use.

    Any suggestions for things I could do with my kiddos??

  7. ahhhh! love the projects! I want to be your student!!!!

  8. Oh my gosh, those scream pictures are fabulous!!! Hmmmm project for my kiddos :)


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