29 November 2010

Attention Pom Moms

Something weird is going on with my dog. It's being going on for 2 weeks. Episodes only seem to occur first thing in the AM or right before bed at night.

Poms are kinda fragile dogs. Of course, does any true dog owner know how many things can go wrong with a breed till they get one.

This "Cough/Sneeze" sounded similar to Backward sneezes that she would do maybe once or twice in a long while. Well 2 weeks ago, they started to occur all the time. This raised a red flag for me big time. NOT NORMAL. I took her to the vet 2 weeks ago, they said to me she was perfectly healthy and that was that. Well 2 days later the vet called me back to see if Aspen's symptoms had gotten worse or better. I said they were the same. So we tried her on a med that I remembered her once being on for her little flair up a few years back.

Present day 2 weeks later.


Hence 2 videos I shot this morning of her.

$299 dollars later......Aspen gets 2 chest X rays and blood work taken. I first went to the vets office without Aspen, to just show the videos I had taken. The cough alarmed the vet and asked me to bring her in.

When they went to take her X rays, she started to make the sound again.

The vet thinks now it's 1 of 2 things. She could have Valley Fever. Or ........a Collapsable Trachea.

My heart sinks. I PRAY it isn't the second one because if severe enough, she'd have to have surgery to insert a ring in her airway to keep it open all the time. super scary. I'm not made of money. I barely recovered from her 2 grand Knee surgery when she was only six months old. IT WAS AWFUL.

Does anyone else's Pom do this? Or know of anyone that has a Pom that makes similar noises?

Please leave me comments!



  1. I couldn't get your videos to load for some reason BUT from the way you described it we had the same thing happen with Buddy. They ended up doing X-Rays to check for a collapsible trachea (just like they did for Aspen) and everything looked fine. Scared the crap out of us. The vet kind of just blew it off and acted like it was something normal for him to be doing. He still does it every once in a while and it seems like I notice it more after he drinks water... What are they going to do for Aspen and when will you know the diagnosis?

  2. Aspen is sooo cute!!!

    I hope he feels better soon! One thing I know is that it doesn't sound the cough from Congestive heart failure! That is what my shihzue had and his cough was waay worse!! Hopefully they figure things out for you soon, without costing too much!!

  3. Saying prayer for baby Aspen! I am sure she will be fine! I think our babies are going to give us panic attacks before its over and done with.

  4. Aw, your poor pooch..I'll definitely keep him in my thoughts. Now I don't have a pom, actually, the complete opposite, a golden retriever. However, he had something very similar last year. We thought he was just trying to dry heave, but he was doing it constantly. The vet thought it was allergies as well, but after a closer examination, he ended up having bronchitis and the noise he was making was him coughing. Who knew dogs could get those kinds of viruses. But either way, who he gets better soon!!

  5. I don't have a Pom but I hope it's nothing too serious =/
    PS: don't know when the makeover happened but I'm lovin' it!

  6. My Yorkie and my Boston Terrier both do this, as does my sister's Chihuahua and her Papillion. We've all freaked and taken them to the vet several times and we've gotten the same report -- possible collapsible trachea. Thankfully none of ours have been bad enough to have surgery, but my vet told me to gently massage their throats (very lightly) when they have an attack because it helps them relax so the airway can open back up. I understand you being worried. It still upsets me every time it happens. I hope Aspen is OK.

  7. Oh no! I don't have a Pom, but I know how scary it is when something is wrong with your baby! I hope she's okay, keep us posted!

  8. My Westie has done this before and it freaks me out! Thanks to agalandherdog for her comment, I'll have to try this trick on my pup next time he does this. It's scary but the vets tend to shrug it off. :(

  9. Bent does that sometimes, not quite that noise though. sorry hon :(

  10. oh my goodness! poor aspen! minnie does the reverse sneezing a lot, but has never done what aspen's doing in the videos. you are so smart to record them and show the vet, though! i do hope it's not a collapsed trachea. i used to worry about that a lot because i know it's not uncommon. it's scary for your baby and for your financial situation. vets are so expensive! when will you find out more? prayers for your little fluff!

  11. aw! I've only heard rocky do what aspen is doing in the 1st video a handleful of times. He is normally outside when it happens. I've never heard him do what aspen is doing in the 2nd video.. that sounds different. I'm so sorry what your going through! We love our doggy. Let me know what happens!


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